Sunday, November 4, 2007

Welcome One and All!

Hey there!

So, after having experimented with my own blog,, I have decided that we could use one as a family to keep current on how everyone is doing. For example, Russ is currently in Florida competing at the Chiro Games with the Parker College basketball team. He could take some pictures and post them on the family blog so we all can enjoy them.

Posting to the blog is as easy as writing and sending an email, which we all have down pretty well with the exception of Mom. Just kidding, Mom, you do a fine job.

Hopefully, this helps us stay in touch with each other in a fun way. For example, we will miss the Texas crews for Thanksgiving, but some photos or video would be cool. I'm sure Ben could whip up some great movies for all of us to enjoy.

So, if you have news, photos, or just feel like dropping everyone a note, then throw it on the blog.

See you all in cyberspace!

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